agency practitioner
of Socratic Creative

The work of asking fundamental questions ahead of any creative work. Answers come from client experience and the mind of the customer. Socratic Creative distills robust answers to key questions into actionable creative guidance. Simple, effective, rarely done.

Our Work
“You know what it means to be on our team.”
“Humbling and humanizing. ”
“Expert knowledge to inform our decision-making process.”
“You had me at Hello.”
“Your work absolutely lives on.”
“Thorough and effective.”
National Gallery of Art
“Global marketing finally has a solid foundation.”
“Most thorough, thoughtful and original.”
“Stood out as insightful truth-tellers.”
“Solid strategic guidance as well as creative.”
“Intention behind every creative element.”
“Tronvig is like a healthy addiction.”
“Solid and actionable strategic guidance.”
“Whole organization has made a perceptible shift.”
“A goldmine—a modest yet brilliant expert.”
“Continued positive feedback from all corners.”
“Guided us to consensus—not an easy thing to do.”
“Steadfast creative partners all along the way.”
“Singing your praises.”
“An astounding 344% increase in attendance.”
“Be prepared to be shaken up.”
“Such positive energy.”
“Deep and insightful work with tough but clear implications.”
"‘A-ha’ moment: focus on the visitor!"
“Clear, profound & immediately actionable recommendations.”

Museums and Cultural

So you have a compelling offer that you know your prospective visitors will value. The task of advertising is to communicate that offer in a way that your audience will notice amidst the thousands of marketing messages that bombard them each day. Achieving this goal takes superior design and sharp copywriting—but these will amount to white noise without a clear strategy that engages the viewer to find out more.

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Nonprofit Healthcare

Healthcare marketing brands tend to be relatively weak and the industry as a whole is risk-averse, highly complex, hierarchical, and poorly incentivized for innovation. Yet the work is important, and the societal benefit profound. So let’s bring the level of marketing up, especially for all those organizations that are truly bringing value to the world.

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Marketing is an essential tool for businesses, though it’s often misunderstood. Our definition of it is simple: “customer understanding, applied.” It is about knowing who your customers are and what they value. With this insight you can avoid wasting your resources on the wrong customers or the wrong messages, and instead, target the right customers with messages that resonate.

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Culture Museums Nonprofits Organizational Alignment

Strategic Plans in the Nonprofit World (Carpe Diem)

Does your organizational strategic plan inspire the whole team to focus on what's most important or is it just a bloated doorstop?



The Economic and Social Impact of Nonprofits

Nonprofits often operate in the background, but they shape much of our world. A deeper look at the economic and social impact of nonprofits.


Culture Museums

Feeling Very American at Museum Forward in Jakarta

Presenting on brands and museums at Museum Forward Jakarta gave me the experience of being way out of my cultural depths while having to take professional action.


Advertising & Marketing Culture Museums

Museum Advertising That’s Not a Waste of Money

Run your museum exhibition advertising campaign with as little waste as possible. It’s a five-step process. Simple but not easy.


Advertising & Marketing Healthcare

Tronvig Creates Super Bowl Ads for Consumer Directed Choices

It’s not every day that you get to put your client on the Super Bowl. An abbreviated story of our little 15-second ad for the big day.


Culture Museums Nonprofits Organizational Alignment

Strategic Plans in the Nonprofit World (Carpe Diem)

Does your organizational strategic plan inspire the whole team to focus on what's most important or is it just a bloated doorstop?



Building a Strong Brand Strategy for Nonprofits

Learn how nonprofits can craft a strategic brand to sharpen their mission, engage communities, and achieve greater impact.



The Economic and Social Impact of Nonprofits

Nonprofits often operate in the background, but they shape much of our world. A deeper look at the economic and social impact of nonprofits.


Culture Museums

Feeling Very American at Museum Forward in Jakarta

Presenting on brands and museums at Museum Forward Jakarta gave me the experience of being way out of my cultural depths while having to take professional action.


Advertising & Marketing Healthcare

The Sea of Sameness in Healthcare Marketing: How Can You Escape?

In the competitive healthcare industry, stand out from the sea of sameness with a clear strategic foundation and energetic, creative problem-solving that breaks away from well-established patterns.


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