The rising pattern of university medical centers acquiring, merging, or partnering with community health systems calls for a closer look at the roles each plays in society.
From free market principles to monopolistic practices, how do different models impact things like affordability, innovation, patient choice, and health outcomes?
Where continuous feedback is critical to improving patient outcomes and quality of care, a culture of silence is concerning. What are the impacts and can it change?
The whole industry is struggling with a shortage of qualified home care workers and this crisis is only expected to deepen with time as the population ages.
Stories turn complex issues into narratives that anyone can grasp, fostering a sense of shared humanity. It’s this shared understanding that propels people to action.
Healthcare rebrands have become a powerful strategy to obtain preferred status in patients’ minds, fending off the competition. The thought process behind a few recent healthcare rebrands.
Agencies are often invaluable partners but brand-agency partnerships are far from guaranteed successes. Knowing what to avoid in these relationships can save you time, effort, and money.