Thoughts prepared for the Chicago Museum Exhibitors Group on the topic of Rethink, Rebrand: Why, When and How Museums Reinvent Themselves
This article and those that follow
At Communicating The Museum Brussels, Raquel Meseguer, who hails from the theatre world, gave a seemingly unassuming presentation that was actually electrifying and a revelation: Dreams of
Artists don’t usually think of themselves as brands. I’m sure the idea chafes. “I am an artist” is an assertion against branding and its requisite responsiveness to
The second of Peter F. Drucker’s five most important questions is “Who is our customer?” Like all of his questions, it is deceptively simple. The most common
Jim Collins says, “A company should not change its core values in response to market changes; rather, it should change markets, if necessary, to remain true to
In addition to the institutional Brand Pyramid, all products can have their own Brand Pyramids, Brand Maps and Competitive Advantage Diagrams. This allows you to market those
The Marketing Targets Diagram presents a strategic hypotheses that clarifies which of your marketing targets should have marketing resources applied toward them, which of them should be