
Tronvig Visits National Museum of Women in the Arts

On reopening week, a couple of the Tronvig team were able to make it to DC to visit our client, the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA).

Emilia, our researcher, walked fifteen miles the day she visited from NYC, scoping out the ads we created for the reopening campaign in the Metro stations, on bus shelters, in the lobbies of residential buildings, and bike share stations, and chasing the mobile billboard across town. I hope she had a good time despite her tired feet and blisters (sorry, Emilia).

Our Berlin-based senior art director, Anne, has worked on creative for NMWA for the entirety of our nearly decade-long engagement with the museum, but this was the first time she has had an opportunity to visit in person!

Seeing the artworks she knows intimately and solely through her computer monitor in front of her, multidimensional and in its full scale, was a sort of jarring but enthralling experience. Indeed, even casual visitors seeing the works for the first time are struck by the large scale of the works on exhibit (as discussed by NMWA deputy director & chief curator Katie Wat and artist Petah Coyne in the PBS segment below).

Anne also took in the building signage, which our team has worked on with partner Gropen for many months on end, and found it does precisely what it was intended to do. She was pleasantly amused to see the signage in action, hearing passersby follow the sign to what’s now clearly marked as the main entrance on the New York Avenue side of the building. She said the restored great hall, stripped of all the old paint, felt really fresh and inviting.

Hearing about Anne’s experience in the newly renovated building made me want to visit too—experience the renovated hall and the physicality of the artworks I’ve seen in countless photos and ads over the years myself. I hope I can make it over in 2024. Until then, I’ve got Emilia’s footage of the reopening ads around DC and many articles and videos with images of NMWA in the press (e.g., Vanity Fair, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, ArtNet, NPR, DCist, Washington City Paper, and the White House) to check out.

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